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Monthly Archives: February 2020

Road Safety Authority to sanction drivers who cause road accidents

The National Road Safety Authority (NRSC) has indicated that the time has come for drivers who cause road accidents in the country to be sanctioned. According to the Authority, this will go a long way to deter others and ensure that drivers observe all safety rules and regulations when on the road. This comes in the wake of recent accidents ...

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GNECC dismisses Kofi Asare as its Chairman;Homadzi takes over

Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition (GNECC)held a press conference in Accra toannounce the dismissal of Mr Kofi Asare as the chairman of the coalition following investigation which revealed that he came to the office based on false information with regards to the constitution of GNECC. This has led to instability in the activities of the coalition as he still holds ...

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