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Author Archives: Latifa Carlos

What’s the future holds for Black Starlets after 2017 World Cup failure

black starlets

Following Ghana’s exit from the 2017 U-17 World Cup in India, Citi Sports‘Daniel Koranteng assesses what could have gone wrong and urges the nation to plan for the future with the players at the heart of a transition. Ghana’s Black Starlets have arrived home after their FIFA U-17 World Cup outing which saw them fall out at the quarterfinals to ...

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Ghanaians demand labeling of oil-funded projects

Hon.Boakye Agyarko,Minister for Energy

Beneficiaries of projects executed with proceeds from Ghana’s Oil resources have recommended the need for government to consider labeling such projects for easy identification. Like it was done to most of the HIPC projects in the past, they believe that labeling all oil-funded projects would make Ghanaians understand and feel the impact of how the petroleum revenues are being used. ...

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CSO calls for increased access to education for girls

access to girls education

The right to education is one of the most essential rights for the upbringing and development of children to reach their full potential in order to take advantage of opportunities in the society. In Ghana, the right to education is recognized in the 1992 Constitution and in Section 8 of the Children’s Act as well as the Education Act 2008, ...

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Gov’t outlines measures to end Gas explosions

The horrific gas explosion at the Atomic junction which led the death of 7 people and injured 132 people has seen some quick reaction from Government. The President, Nana Akufo Addo has ordered the immediate closure of high risk LPG stations in the country. The president has also ordered the Immediate cessation, until further notice, of all construction of facilities ...

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Children at risk of Commercial sexual exploitation … Beaches, hotels among hot spots …Parents asked to be vigilante

Parents and law enforcement agencies have been advised to be on a high alert especially at Beaches, Hotels and other tourism destination to save unsuspecting Ghanaian children from commercial sexual exploitation by foreign Nationals. The caution follows an observation of a latest upsurge in commercial sexual exploitation of Children in the country. “Child Sex Tourism(CST) as a form of commercial ...

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Domestic Violence still rife in Ghana

In spite of  efforts  being  put in place by governments, Development partners, civil  society   and  other relevant  stakeholders  to educate the populace on  gender  based- violence, there  is  no denying  the  fact  that  the menace  continue to prevail in the country, particularly in  most rural communities and  in the  northern part of  Ghana. In 2008,38.7 percent of Ghanaian women between ...

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Money Laundering or Tax Avoidance? All are Anti-Developmental

In April 2016 the world was hit by one of the biggest scandals the hit the Global financial sector. The Panama Papers! This scandal seemingly happened far away from the shores of Ghana, this may be going on far away from our shores but we are usually the most losers, because we are usually the most exploited in this global ...

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The restoration of trainee nurses allowance has once again generated a lot of hullabaloo about nothing. The trainee Nurses Allowance was scrapped by the previous President John Mahama and his social democratic administration for reasons that are not clear to us. It was therefore welcome news to many aspiring nurses when the NPP made a campaign promise to restore these ...

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Scramble over sand mine …As small scale miners find new jobs

Peter Amewu-Minister for Lands and Natural Resources

Ghana’s effort to save its natural environment from incessant degradation may become a fruitless endeavor if the latest sand weaning craze is not stopped as a matter of urgency. Public Agenda  can  report that some small scale Miners  in the Ashanti region who  have  been  pushed out  of  business following  government moratorium  on  mining have now found solace in weaning ...

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NGO calls for reduction in fossil fuel use

Oilwatch Africa has made a radical proposal to African countries to move away from the use of fossil fuels to renewable energy; arguing that the continuous exploitation of fossil fuels is impacting negatively on primary economies including agriculture, fisheries, livelihoods and  the  environment. The Environmental civil Society group insist that “leaving fossils fuels in the ground and replacing with renewable ...

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