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Author Archives: Latifa Carlos

Ghana must depart from export of raw materials – Senior Minister

Hon. Yaw Osafo Maafo

Mr Yaw Osafo-Maafo, the Senior Minister, says it is high time the nation departs from the export of raw materials and adds value to her agricultural produce in order to maximise profit for infrastructural development. He said Ghana, and for that matter, Africa, should move away from the paradigm of relying heavily on the export of raw commodities to generate ...

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How Thomas Partey is becoming a key cog in Simeone’s Atletico Madrid machine

Thomas Partey

At 24, Thomas Partey is not a youngster, but this season feels very much like a breakthrough one. It’s no coincidence, too, that it has arrived in something of a transitional campaign for Atletico Madrid. Diego Simeone, known since his arrival at the club for largely persisting with a reliable, immutable starting lineup, has embraced rotation. There also appears to ...

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Ghana celebrates World Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy day celebration

Ghana joined the rest of the world to celebrate World Cerebral Palsy day on Friday the 6th of October this year. The day   is marked   globally on the 6th of every year by  a movement of people with cerebral palsy (CP) and their families, and the organizations that support them, in more than 60 countries. Its vision is to ensure ...

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Human rights groups demand end to corporal punishment

A child been punished for going to school late

There is directive by the Ghana Education Service (GES) that only head teachers should use the cane following a strict protocol.  However, this is not adhered to and has given room for some schools, orphanages and homes to adopt their own regulation against canning children based on the ‘’spare the rod and spoil the child’’ mantra. Corporal punishment by teachers ...

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Will the Ghanaian elite ever learn?

These days, it is not uncommon to hear Ghanaians announce proudly that Ghana is a “Middle-Income Country” (MIC). I must admit that I do not know what it means to live in a so-called MIC. However, I recently read an article by a journalist with Public Agenda where she bemoaned the fact that since Ghana gained a Middle-Income Country (MIC) ...

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Let us build this nation

Ghana flag

Is Ghana on the right trajectory? Are all these partisan arguments and insults necessary? Is it possible for a government to take an initiative without someone seeing partisanship? Yet, we are proud when others call us ‘nice people’. How come that niceness is not reflected in our politics at home? If we are proud to be called a Middle-Income Country, ...

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Development issues must be non-partisan–SADA CEO

SADA boss-Charles Abugre

Ghana’s quest to develop at a faster rate can be given a boost if issues of national development are approached collectively and in a non- partisan manner, the Chief Executive Officer of the Savanna Accelerated Development Authority (SADA), Mr Charles Akalyira Abugre has noted. Mr Abugre said it is important for Ghanaians and politicians in particular to maintain consensus across ...

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Ghana can afford to fund free SHS

Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh

The much trumpeted NPP flagship policy of free Secondary School Education was launched last week.  Foe me, it is a very laudable initiative and I commend the Akufo Addo led government for having the balls to begin the process of implementing this concept. Before I carry on, may I point out to the readership that free SHS is not a ...

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The never ending pangs of fatherhood

In one passage of Book II of the French book we used in secondary school, Pierre et Seydou, a farmer laments the never ending worries of farming. Before the onset of the rains he wonders if the rains would come on time or late; if they would come with a lot of wind; if there would be a drought after ...

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Heed to the call of our Peasants farmers


Agriculture is undoubtedly the mainstay of Ghana’s economy thus it will not be wrong for any individual or organizations to demand increment in budgetary allocation for this all-important sector. Increased budgetary allocation has persisted as one of the prime agents in agriculture development, especially in rural settings as it serves as incentive for small holder Farmers. It is  for  this ...

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