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Author Archives: Latifa Carlos

Inclusive education at work in Karaga

For 10 year old Abdul Rahman Shena, from Moglifong community which lies about two and a half kilometres from Karaga School the support from her teacher has given her a firm foundation to pursue her ambition to become a teacher one day. “I am happy to be in this school, nothing disturbs me and the teachers support me”. Shena was ...

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Use of children as ‘human bombs’ on the rise – UNICEF warns

human bombs

The United Nations children agency has expressed extreme concern at the appalling increase in the cruel and calculated use of children, especially girls, as “human bombs” in north-east Nigeria. “Since the beginning of January 2017, 83 children had been used as so-called human bombs, 55 being girls, most of them often under 15 years old,” UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) spokesperson ...

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The two Western Regions

President of Ghana

The other day, one of the campaigners for the creation of a Western-North Region (which I would call, the Democratic Region of Tano) sucked me into the debate about the creation of additional regions in Ghana, particularly the Western-North region. He said, “Call your friend ….. to stop displaying his ignorance on factors that have made it necessary for the ...

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Togo in turmoil


After years of government stalling, demonstrators are demanding electoral reforms, including the reinstatement of term limits. Thousands take to the streets in Togo to demand the reinstatement of the 1992 constitution. On Saturday 19 August, shocking images of the bodies of protesters being carried on stretchers started flooding social media in Togo. That day, thousands of citizens had taken to ...

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Africa’s struggle to stay afloat


The more Africa strives for economic empowerment, economic independence and self-reliance, the more the global powers tighten their grip on the continent.  The ‘global coalitions’ now called Development Partners are mere fronts for western domination, who are not interested in genuine democratization and development. This is the new frontier in the struggle for African freedom.   2011 will go down ...

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Importers decry delays at Customs


    A visit at Gonokrom in the Western Region, a border town with the Ivory Coast by investigative team from Public Agenda over the weekend revealed a shocking and unbelievable spectacular scene where number of articulator truck-loads of essential commodities have been seized by the customs officials at the check point of the border as a result of heavy duty ...

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Parents anxious wait for Free SHS take –off

Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh

Come September, the much awaited Free Senior High School Policy, one of the ruling government’s flagship programmes will take effect and Ghanaians, especially parents are brazing up for this momentous moment in the history of the country.                  The expectations have become rife following the West African Examination Council’s (WAEC) announcement that it ...

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Give our children a Free SHS.

Every Government must have a flagship policy by which it is defined. The Convention Peoples Party (CPP) under Kwame Nkrumah had free, compulsory primary education and night schools. The Progress Party (PP) under Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia had its rural development policy. Jerry Rawlings had his disastrous Economic Recovery Programme beginning in 1983. The ERP devastated the economy and removed ...

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President promises Special prosecutor in October

Nana Addo

One of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo’s key promises during the election was the appointment of a Special prosecutor. Even though the Bill faced some challenges, the president has assured the nation of the passage of the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) Bill when Parliament reconvenes in October. Addressing a conference organised by Global Christian Lawyers, the President said ...

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Govt urged to prioritize nutrition-related programmes


  The Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana (PFAG) has asked Government to channel adequate resources to the country’s nutrition- related programmes to combat chronic malnutrition and potential food insecurity. The Association said the slow progress in childhood under nutrition and setbacks in the prevalence of anaemia suggest the need for renewed commitment to improve the nutrition status and the health ...

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