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Ibn Chambas promotes rice production technology

Dr Mohammed Ibn Chambas

The United Nations Secretary General’s Special Representattive for West Africa and the Sahel, Dr Mohammed Ibn Chambas, is championing campaign on a new technology aimed at improving rice production in the country and the Africa continent. Known as the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), the technology which focuses on the small-scale farmer, has the potential to double or even triple ...

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GBC Radio supports Cerebral palsy advocacy

Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) Radio’s flagship programme Ghana Today has committed to support the cerebral palsy (CP) advocacy campaign in Ghana to ensure the implementation of policies on CP issues The Ghana Today team led by Mrs Gloria Anderson demonstrated their commitment by presenting a cash amount of thousand cedis (1000) to support the upkeep of Miss Ruby Afful, a ...

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Consolidating gains in water sector by tackling pollutions

Water is a basic human right

“Water is one of the most basic of all needs – we cannot live for more than a few days without it. And yet, most people take water for granted. We waste water needlessly and don’t realize that clean water is a very limited resource. More than 1 billion people around the world have no access to safe, clean drinking ...

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Move from flood-prone zones – Housing Minister pleads

Persons living in flood-prone zones have been advised to move out to safety when the rains come. Works and Housing Minister, Samuel Atta Akyea who gave the caution on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show Friday suggested that no life should be gambled with. “Do not comfort yourself and say I will still remain…I do not see why people stay in a ...

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‘I-SHAME Corruption campaign making strides’

Mr Samuel Zan Akologo

Partners of the Interfaith Shaping Hearts, Attitudes and Mindset to End Corruption in Ghana, (I-SHAME Corruption) campaign, have posted a positive outcome the project was making in the lives of basic school pupils. The year-old project, has according to Hajia Ayishetu Adbul-Kadri, Chairperson of Forum for Action on Inclusion, Transparency and Harmony (FAITH) in Ghana, established 20 Integrity Clubs, two ...

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General inadequacies of the definitions of sexual offences in the Criminal Offences Act

Introduction While the Criminal Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29) outlines a number of criminal offences and prescribes punishment for offenders, a number of the crimes outlined in Act 29 have some intrinsic inadequacies. The gaps in their definitions present a challenge for the successful prosecution of such crimes. Chapter six of the Criminal Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29) outlines nine ...

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Award-winning start-up targets affordable medicine for every African

A Ghana-based start-up has received $1.5 million from Ebay billionaire Jeff Skoll to support its work in changing Africa’s pharmaceutical industry to make medicines more affordable. MPharma is one of five social businesses to receive awards from the Skoll Foundation at this week’s Skoll World Forum, Britain’s leading event for social enterprise. Pharmacy owners in African countries such as Ghana ...

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Ministers want Accra’s hi-tech recycling plant replicated across the country

Regional Ministers who recently paid a working visit to the site of Hi-tech Integrated Recycling and Compost Plant (iReCop) in Accra, have called for the installation of similar plant in their respective regions. This they argue, will help resolve the challenges they have been facing in dealing with waste in their regions as well as create jobs for the teeming ...

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GES introduces new curriculum, uniforms at basic level

Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, Minister of Education

The Director General of the Ghana Education Service announced reforms to the current educational system including replacing the existing primary school curriculum and introducing new uniforms for Junior High School [JHS] pupils. Addressing the press Thursday, Prof. Kwasi Opoku-Amankwa said the introduction of the school uniform to pupils of JHS is a psychological strategy to make the pupils see themselves ...

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Slapdash negotiations are the cause of poor roads – Contractor

The former President of the Association of Road Contractors of Ghana (ASROG) says a large part of why Ghana’s roads are in poor condition is because of shoddy negotiations. On the Super Morning Show Thursday, Joseph Ebo Hewton, who also served as an Executive Board Member of the Road Fund, told Joy FM’s Daniel Dadzie that in many cases, contractors are ...

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