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Development Agenda

Ministry of Foreign Affairs rescues over 200 ‘enslaved’ Ghanaians in Lebanon

Shirley Ayorkor-Botchway,Minister of Foreign Affairs

It is not uncommon to see many Ghanaians traveling outside the country to seek greener pastures. Most often, these individuals, especially women are lied to and taken advantage of by agents who take their monies, promise them heaven on earth but end up selling them as ‘Domestic Workers’ across the globe. With this increasing and worrisome trend at hand, the ...

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World Day Against Child Labour: 71% of child labour occurs in the agriculture sector

Child labour has robbed many young boys and girls of a memorable childhood. For years, this practice has gone on in almost every part of the world violating the rights of children. It has, therefore, become necessary more than ever to safeguard children from forced labour. A report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations indicates that ...

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Personal threats to Jean Mensa must stop- Abantu, WMC caution

Mrs Jean Mensa, EC boss

Abantu for development and the Women’s Manifesto Coalition (WMC) have expressed worry about the increasing rate of attacks on women who take up leadership positions in the country, cautioning those involved in such brazen act to desist from it. “We are deeply saddened that women in leadership positions have faced multiple insults and acts of degradation over the years while ...

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Youth Alliance calls on gov’t toProvide Sanitary Products for needy SHS 3 girls

The Executive Director of Youth Alliance for Development, Mr. Ali Tanti Robert is appealing to government and major stakeholders in the educational sector including development partners to consider providing free sanitary materials to final year girls who will spend the rest of their high school duration under strict Covid 19 protocol restrictions. This, he asserts, will contribute to ending periodic ...

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Ghana to mark AU Day of African Child to end child injustices

Ghana, through the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) and stakeholders, will commemorate the 2020 AU Day of the African Child on from June 10 to create a nationwide awareness on child-friendly justice in the country. The celebration, will commence with an issuance of a press release on June 10, social and traditional media discussions and posting of ...

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COVID-19: The decline of global remittances puts rural families at risk

The economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic could push rural families even deeper into poverty and threaten global prosperity and stability The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the loss of millions of jobs in the developed and developing world. Migrant workers are among the most directly affected. They work in economic sectors adversely impacted by the ...

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Engaging men in the fight against child marriage

We need to be fluid in our approach to eliminating child marriage, due to the number and nature of systems that nurture the practice. Patriarchy, is one such system. Deeply rooted in the Ghanaian culture, patriarchy gives men influential roles in the legitimization of marriage. For example, at a typical Asante marriage, the head of the bride’s family, the “abusuapanyin,” ...

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Bridge for Equity presents petition to Gender Ministry

Gender Advocacy NGO, Bridge for Equity Ghana, has presented a petition to the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, to nudge government to scrap taxes on sanitary pads and enable local production across the country. In a six-month campaign dubbed ‘No Pad Tax’, the NGO believes that scraping the 20% tax on sanitary pads, also termed as luxury items ...

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We were once approached by Nigerians to aid a robbery – Street boy alleges

Young Collins Amankwah, who happens to be a street boy in the busy city of Accra as a result of a broken home and its bizarre consequences, has narrated his rather sad and risky experience on the streets. In an interview with Benabi Discovery, Collins made a shocking revelation that, in carrying out his means of livelihood on the streets, ...

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Chiefs advised to support security agencies to fight human trafficking

Nana Ayimedu Obrempong III, Kronithene of Adjena

Nana Ayimedu Obrempong III, Krontihene of Adjena has called for collaboration between traditional rulers and security agencies to fight human trafficking through unapproved routes during the coronavirus pandemic season. He said there were a lot of unapproved routes at the borders, people were trafficked or smuggled, which was dangerous in this coronavirus season,as such persons could be coronavirus positive. He ...

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