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Development Agenda

Gender Minister adopts cerebral palsy boy who was buried alive

The Gender Minister, Ms Cynthia Morrison has adopted a two year old boy who was buried alive in Elmina in the Central Region. The boy, Kweku Lentil, who suffers from cerebral palsy, a neurological disorder, was barely a year old when he was left to die after being covered with earth in an uncompleted building. He was, however, rescued by ...

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Draft Legislative Instrument for Ghana’s disability Act ready

The Ghana Federation of Disability Organizations, MindFreedom -Ghana and the Media Caucus on Disability, have completed work on a draft Legislative Instrument (LI) meant to give impetus to the Ghana Disability Act, 715(2006). Even though the parent Act, Act 715 (2006) is undergoing transition to make it compatible with the United Nations Convention on the Right of Persons with Disability ...

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Stigmatization poses a serious threat to inclusive education

Mr Yaw Ofori-Debra, President of Ghana Federation of Disability Organizations (GFD), has called on teachers, parents and peers to stop stigmatizing and discriminating against children with disabilities to promote inclusive education. Speaking at a sensitization forum on inclusive education at Wechiau, Mr Debra said some people including parents are still having the negative impression that children with disabilities are useless ...

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Gender Ministry renovates shelter for street children

Mrs Cynthia Morrison,Minister of Gender,Children and Social Protection

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection has renovated a shelter at Madina in Accra to house rescued street children. According to the sector Minister, Mrs Cynthia Morrison, the ministry had written letters to its supporting agencies for the needed support to operate the shelter (which could house 100 inmates) efficiently, where the inmates would be fed and clothed ...

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Resist discriminatory practices at workplaces – women urged

Mr Joseph Whittal

Mr Joseph Whittal, Commissioner, Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) has urged women to resist all discriminatory practices against them at their workplaces to ensure that they enjoy the same rights as their male counterparts. “Don’t sit down, fight for it because you won’t get it on a silver platter,” he urged women. He said this during a ...

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Girls urged to report any form of abuse to appropriate authorities

Mrs Joyce Larnyoh, Country Director of the International Child Development Programme (ICDP), a Non-Governmental Organization, has called on girls to report all forms of abuse to their parents or teachers. She said it is when girls keep quiet over the abuses that it results in teenage pregnancies and appealed to teachers to look out for issues bordering girls in their ...

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The deaf are discouoraged from going to hospital – GNAD boss

Many deaf people do not seek healthcare due to stigmatisation and the lack of communication between them and health workers. According to the Executive Director of the Ghana National Association of the Deaf (GNAD), Mr Juventus Duorinaah, health workers still require knowledge about the deaf community, their Sexual Reproductive health (SRH) needs, steps for providing deaf friendly support services and basic awareness ...

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Disability Council gears up for IDPD celebration

Mr Kwamena Dadzie-Denis

The National Council on Persons with Disability has outlined series of activities to celebrate this   year’s International Day of Persons with Disability (IDPD). The 2018 IDPD will be held globally on the theme, Empowering Person with Disabilities and Ensuring Inclusiveness and Equality. The celebration, which according to the Council is expected to be observed across the various regions in the ...

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Group launches programme on adolescent health

Mr Nii Ankonu Sarpei

The Programmes Manager of Alliance for Reproductive Health Rights (ARHR), a non-governmental organisation , Mr Nii Ankonu Sarpei, has re-stated the importance of adolescent reproductive health education, as a step to provide the framework within which health provision and other related interventions for adolescents and young people, would be coordinated and implemented. He said some young people, especially girls, grew ...

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Violence against children is unjustifiable: Let’s prevent it

National statistics indicate that more than 90 per cent of children in the country have reportedly experienced some form of violence, either in their residence or in the school environment. The data from the 2011 Mapping and Analysis of Ghana’s Child Protection System report also shows that more than 21 per cent of women aged between 20 and 24 were ...

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