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Development Agenda

Access to quality medicine remains a challenge- Minister laments

A  Deputy Minister for Health, Hon. Kingsley Aboagye Gyedu has bemoaned accessibility to quality medicine in the ECOWAS sub-region still remains a major challenge despite the concerted effort by various governments and development partners. Hon. Gyedu who spoke at the launch of ECOWAS Medicines Regulatory Harmonization Project in Accra last week noted that quality of life of people is important ...

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Forestry Commission, YEA to engage 15,000 youth for forests conservation

A  Service agreement has been signed between the Forestry Commission and the Youth Employment Agency (YEA) with the intention to establish a formal relationship for the implementation of a Forest Plantation Programme, under the Youth in Agriculture and Afforestation Module. “After the signing of this Service Agreement, the Forestry Commission in Collaboration with YEA will recruit an estimated 15,000 youth ...

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Farmers demand clarity on duplication of Agriculture initiatives

Mr Charles Nyaaba, PFAG

The Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana has asked  government and the  Ministry  of  Food and  Agriculture in particular, to come  clear  on what it describes  as duplication of  initiatives in the Agricultural  sector to avoid confusion. In its analysis of the 2018 budget, the PFAG emphasised,”We expect clarity on the multiplicity of initiatives adopted by government for the agricultural sector. ...

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Help women to access productive land … Traditional authorities told

Mrs Victoria Aniaku, Deputy Director at the Women in Agriculture Development (WIAD) Directorate of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) has called on traditional authorities and community leaders to collaborate and promote increased access to productive land and tenure security for small-holder farmers, especially women to improve the agriculture sector and enhance livelihoods. Mrs Aniaku said, challenges still exist ...

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Protecting children from abuse, neglect and maltreatment

Generally, children are protected by law against all forms of abuse and neglect. Section 71, 91 and 92 of the Criminal Offenses Act, 1960 (Act 29) as amended in 1998 now referred to as the Criminal Offenses Act, 1960 (Act 29) criminalize the abandonment or exposure of a child to danger, abduction of a child and a range of sexual offenses that could render a child vulnerable to ...

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First Lady calls for unified decision to end Female Genital Mutilation

Mrs Rebbecca Akufo-Addo, First lady

First Lady Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo has called on all stakeholders to as a matter of urgency “take a unified decision, to end the practice of Female Genital Mutilation. The First lady made the call when she opened a two -day International meeting on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Accra last Wednesday. Mrs. Akufo-Addo, addressing the meeting, bemoaned the “terribly harmful” ...

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Respect the rights of minority groups- POS Director admonishes

Jonathan Osei Owusu, Executive Director of POS foundation

Despite the establishment of a reporting system to collate human rights abuses against minorities including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and Transgender(LGBT) persons, LGBT people in Ghana still face violence, human rights abuse, discrimination and heightened hate or homophobic speech from government officials and religious leaders which incites violence and homophobia against the LGBT community in Ghana. According to Mr Jonathan Osei ...

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Wa Airport to begin operations in February 2018

The Deputy Minister for Aviation Hon. Kwabena Okyere Darko has hinted that the Wa Airport will commence operations by the end of February 2018. He revealed this on the floor of Parliament when the law maker for Wa Central Hon. Abdul Rashid Pelpuo filed a question asking the minister for aviation when works of the wa airport will commence. Mr ...

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Govt lauded for plans to establish Ghana Green Fund

Civil society organizations working in the area of climate change have   given thumbs up to government for its intention to set up a ‘Ghana   Green Fund’ to finance climate related initiatives. The move, according to the organizations “is laudable and must be pursued,” as it would assist in pulling together fragmented climate change interventions which are never up-scaled and therefore ...

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The LEAP Policy and Poverty Reduction in Ghana, Part 1

The link between Welfare States and Social Policies is a thin one, but the main difference is that while the former occurred in response to the effects of industrial activities in the industrialized economies, the latter is seen as deliberate social intervention policies aimed at solving social imbalances and inequalities.Social Policy is therefore seen as public services that govern the ...

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