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Development Agenda

SEND- Ghana calls for equitable distribution of health personnel

Dr.Anthony Nsiah-Asare-Director General of Ghana Health Service

Send- Ghana, a policy think tank has proposed that the government withholds the salary of any health worker who refuses a posting to particular regions in Ghana, as a deterrent to others. The organization also called on Regional Health directorates of  the  Ghana  Health Service to distribute health personnel especially doctors, nurses  and midwives equitably within their respective regions in ...

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Violence against children pervasive in homes, schools and communities – UNICEF

About 300 million, or three-quarters, of the world’s two- to four-year-old children experience either psychological aggression or physical punishment, or both, by their caregivers at home, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in a report published Tuesday. “The harm inflicted on children around the world does tremendous damage,” said UNICEF Chief of Child Protection Cornelius Williams in a press ...

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FGM resurfaces in Volta & Northern Regions …As over 320 new victims found

In spite of existing legislation criminalizing the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Children and adolescent still suffer from the harmful cultural practice. The Parliament of Ghana strengthened the law against FGM by increasing maximum penalty from five (5) to 10 years imprisonment for persons involved in the practice of FGM. Article 26 (2) of Ghana’s constitution prohibits “customary practices ...

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New pathways out of poverty in Africa through sustainable and inclusive agricultural transformation

Agricultural transformation has become a development priority for African governments and the international development community. It is commonly understood as a shift from ‘low’ productivity subsistence agriculture to more commercially-oriented production. This shift is seen as the first step away from the continent’s continued dependence on raw commodity exports, and towards diversified and domestically integrated economies that provide sufficient employment ...

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Ghana, US discuss progress in combating human trafficking

Otiko Djaba, Minister for Gender

Senior officials from the U.S. Government and the Government of the Republic of Ghana last Wednesday to discuss progress in achieving the objectives of the U.S.-Ghana Child Protection Compact (CPC) Partnership – the first-ever jointly-developed plan to address forced child labor and child sex trafficking in Ghana.  The Ghanaian government representatives, the Honorable Otiko Afisa Djaba, Minister for Gender, Children ...

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Land policies must be favourable to women

Sheila Minkah-Premo

Despite the range of legal provisions in Ghana emphasizing equality of all persons before the law, there are still significant pieces of evidence to suggest that the rights of vulnerable groups including women are not fully protected when it comes to access and use of land as a productive asset. Women comprise 52% of the agricultural labour force in Ghana ...

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Major global Environmental Problems today

Our environment is constantly changing. There is no denying that. However, as our environment changes, so does the need to become increasingly aware of the problems that surround it. With a massive influx of natural disasters, warming and cooling periods, different types of weather patterns and much more, people need to be aware of what types of environmental problems our ...

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CSO calls for increased access to education for girls

access to girls education

The right to education is one of the most essential rights for the upbringing and development of children to reach their full potential in order to take advantage of opportunities in the society. In Ghana, the right to education is recognized in the 1992 Constitution and in Section 8 of the Children’s Act as well as the Education Act 2008, ...

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Domestic Violence still rife in Ghana

In spite of  efforts  being  put in place by governments, Development partners, civil  society   and  other relevant  stakeholders  to educate the populace on  gender  based- violence, there  is  no denying  the  fact  that  the menace  continue to prevail in the country, particularly in  most rural communities and  in the  northern part of  Ghana. In 2008,38.7 percent of Ghanaian women between ...

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NGOs Forum calls for the amendment of disability Act

persons with disability

The Ghana Human Rights NGOs Forum , KASA Initiative Ghana in Partnership with the Universal Periodic Review (UPR)  and  InfoAfrica-Kenya have  added  their voices to calls on government to amend the Persons with Disability Act   715 of 2006 to conform to the United  Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities( UNCRPD). The Ghana Human Rights NGOs Forum expressed ...

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