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Development Agenda

Nigeria risks facing Water Crisis by 2020

The Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists, NAH, has warned of impending water crisis by 2020 because of poor management of groundwater basins. The President of the association, Ehidiamhen Olumese, disclosed this on Sunday in Ilorin while addressing journalists after the association’s National Executive Meeting, NEC. Mr. Olumese said the impending crisis could be avoided by the acquisition of both hydrological data ...

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Stakeholders raise awareness on mental health at work place

Humphery Kofie-country facilitator, GHAMEC

The Stakeholder Council of the Mental Health Leadership and Advocacy Programme in Ghana, (mhLAP) commemorates World Mental Health Day which takes place on 10 October each year. The Council acknowledges that it is a day for global mental health awareness-raising and advocacy. This year, World Mental Health Day focuses on mental health at the workplace. The day is being celebrated ...

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Ghana celebrates World Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy day celebration

Ghana joined the rest of the world to celebrate World Cerebral Palsy day on Friday the 6th of October this year. The day   is marked   globally on the 6th of every year by  a movement of people with cerebral palsy (CP) and their families, and the organizations that support them, in more than 60 countries. Its vision is to ensure ...

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Human rights groups demand end to corporal punishment

A child been punished for going to school late

There is directive by the Ghana Education Service (GES) that only head teachers should use the cane following a strict protocol.  However, this is not adhered to and has given room for some schools, orphanages and homes to adopt their own regulation against canning children based on the ‘’spare the rod and spoil the child’’ mantra. Corporal punishment by teachers ...

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Mother calls for inclusion of children with cerebral palsy in disability register

cerebral palsy child

Some mothers of children with cerebral palsy have been able to register their children in an on-going registration exercise for all persons with disability. Mrs Ellen Affam-Dadzie, Head of the With God Cerebral Palsy Centre, an Inclusive education centre for children said for the first time she has been able to register the children at her centre with the LEKMA ...

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Bishop calls for a Ministry of Religious Affairs

Bishop John Yaw Adu

The Founder/Leader of the New Jerusalem Chapel located at Sokoban-Ampayoo in the Ashanti Region, Bishop Dr. John Yaw Adu has called on the Government to establish a Ministry of Religious Affairs separate from the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs to steer the affairs of the religious sector in the country. This is because Christianity is losing its image at ...

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Absence of sexual health education increases teenage pregnancy


A 2016 report by the National Development Planning Commission indicates that over the past 20 years, Ghana has made significant progress in the area of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights; however, lack of comprehensive sexual and health education for children and adolescents has partially derailed the progress made. The report mentioned that in Ghana, Comprehensive Sexual Education is not offered ...

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CSOs make progress with V4C partnership programme

Ms Consolata Soyiri Dassah

Civil Society Organisations working under the Voice for Change partnership (V4C) programme have been commended for working hard to propagate the objectives of the project to policy makers in their various localities.   Speaking to Public Agenda recently after a two- day media training workshop in Koforidua organised by the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV), Ms Consolata Soyiri Dassah, Communications and Advocacy ...

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cerebral palsy mothers

Some Mothers of children with cerebral palsy at the With God Cerebral Palsy centre have undergone training in how to make Appropriate Paper Technology(APT) chairs.  Appropriate Paper-based Technology (APbT or APT) is a cost-effective way to produce personally designed furniture or other objects for use and creativity. Materials are recycled: waste paper, thin card and corrugated cardboard boxes. The Mothers ...

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Illegal loggers terrorize Ghana’s forest cover

forest zone

Ghana is said to be losing its forest cover at an alarming rate due mainly to illegal logging and lack of   implementation of forest- related policies. The state of affairs, according to experts, demand urgent  policy attention and enforcement of existing  laws as the country loses about 65, 000 hectares of its forest cover yearly. It is estimated that out ...

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