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Government snubs Right to Information Bill campaigners

One disappointing thing about the President’s State of the Nation Address was the absence of a clear unambivalent statement on the status of the Right to information Bill. Since 2003 to date, all attempts by campaigners to get various parliaments to pass the RTI have fallen on deaf ears.  It appears that this is not an issue which both leading ...

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The President and his secret weapon against corruption

Nana Akufo Addo

Ghana is in frenzy. The appointment of Hon. Martin Amidu has excited many people. On top of this feeling sits President Nana Addo-DankwahAkuffo Addo. He promised a gruelling fight against corruption. All he needed was a secret weapon. Public Agenda commends the President for this smart move; he swerved many of his opponents and gave Ghana someone we can all ...

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Trafficking of persons is a violation of human rights….

In recent weeks, the whole of Africa and Africans in the Diaspora have been complaining, demonstrating and writing about Africans being sold in Libya. The Libyan African slave trade has dominated social media platforms in Africa. The anger is real, so is the hypocrisy. In today’s Public Agenda, we report that, state authorities in Ghana has failed to investigate over ...

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The illicit drugs menace facing our society

Public Agenda today highlights the increasing use of illicit drugs among the youth and some adults. Some psychologists have defined drug menace as “the illicit, non- medical use of limited number of substance.” These drugs have the power to alter the mental state of its user. That is why they are considered harmful and therefore ‘undesirable’. They include alcohol, opium, ...

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We must protect our children from harm

Today marks World Children’s Day, a day dedicate to discussing and campaigning on issues of children’s rights. Ghana has a long history of protecting children in society. However, a number of issues have arisen which raises concerns about the way children are treated in the Ghanaian society. We have heard of cases of child molestation, child labour, child prostitution, and ...

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Save our children from harmful traditional practices


November 20th is an important date for children of the world as since it is used to celebrate the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It is also the date in 1989 when the UN General assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. A UNICEF leaflet notes that the “Universal Children’s Day offers each of us ...

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The North needs its share of Doctors

There seem to be no end in sight for the closure of the development gap between the north and the south. In today’s Public Agenda we highlight the current state of health provision in Ghana and discovers a worrying trend that the three regions in the north are suffering from doctor deficiency compared with other regions in Ghana. A recent ...

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The restoration of trainee nurses allowance has once again generated a lot of hullabaloo about nothing. The trainee Nurses Allowance was scrapped by the previous President John Mahama and his social democratic administration for reasons that are not clear to us. It was therefore welcome news to many aspiring nurses when the NPP made a campaign promise to restore these ...

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Let us build this nation

Ghana flag

Is Ghana on the right trajectory? Are all these partisan arguments and insults necessary? Is it possible for a government to take an initiative without someone seeing partisanship? Yet, we are proud when others call us ‘nice people’. How come that niceness is not reflected in our politics at home? If we are proud to be called a Middle-Income Country, ...

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Heed to the call of our Peasants farmers


Agriculture is undoubtedly the mainstay of Ghana’s economy thus it will not be wrong for any individual or organizations to demand increment in budgetary allocation for this all-important sector. Increased budgetary allocation has persisted as one of the prime agents in agriculture development, especially in rural settings as it serves as incentive for small holder Farmers. It is  for  this ...

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