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Election watch

Lessons on Elections in West Africa


Genuine, inclusive, free and fair elections are an indispensable component of democratic governance, rule of law and respect for human rights alike. While it is true that West African States have achieved great strides of progress in the last decades, challenges still remain and cases of human rights violations leading to violence and potentially destabilizing tensions make the headlines on ...

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Western intervention in African elections

Since the last election in which Hilary Clinton, the Democratic party candidate lost to the current President, Mr. Donald Trump, the United States has not stopped its claims that Russia tried to influence the outcome of their elections by supporting Donald Trump. These claims are being investigated in the United States, Whatever the outcome, it will remain one of the ...

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Preventing election violence in Africa

Preventing election violence in Africa

It’s a busy time for elections in Africa, with countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Zimbabwe and Kenya gearing up for the polls. And as elections increasingly become the legitimate way to acquire political power on the continent, winning votes has become a matter of life and death for the political elite in many countries. Contentious election ...

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Ready or Not Ready? Kenya’ Preparedness towards August Polls


Kenya, like the rest of Africa is continually entangled in an intricate web of electoral intrigues and shenanigans of imperial politics. For far too long, the philosophy and practice of power has largely been an expression of colonialism and therefore the emergent political culture based on master-slave(leaders-people) relationship characterized by obtuse greed (pernicious avarice), grabbing and primitive accumulation of wealth, ...

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The Return of Public Agenda

Today, June 5, 2017 is a landmark in the history of Public Agenda as the paper makes a comeback to newsstands. Since it was founded in 1995, Public Agenda has contributed immeasurably to the development journalism and human rights advocacy and in building a democratic society. It remains a forced to be reckoned with. In the past few years, its ...

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