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Features & Opinions

‘Spirit of people power,’ descend upon us!

Throughout history, the efforts of citizens to call their leaders to order has yielded results immediately or later. In recent times, people power is acceptable as compared to coup d’état; thus, Egyptians, Tunisians and Burkinabes kicked out their leaders who felt that they could steal the sovereignty of their nations – that is the “Spirit of people power”. What is ...

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Mitwa Kaemba Ng’ambi writes: Let’s build a gender-balanced Africa


The eve of March 8th has me reflecting on the reason for the United Nation’s establishment of an official International Women’s Day, back in 1975. Prior to this, several countries had in some shape or form commemorated a Women’s day, with March 8th, 1975 being the first International Women’s Day as formally established by the UN. The intention was to ...

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Half of the world is still offline. How do we connect them quickly?

I was in a café in London on my phone when I read the news. For the first time, more than half the world’s people were online. Yes, this 50/50 moment was a milestone to celebrate, but surrounded by people sipping coffee and browsing the web, it was hard to comprehend that for billions of people around the world, internet ...

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Sex tourism in Ghana? I beg your pardon

“Africa is a marvellous continent. Girls are beautiful and very sexy. All they want is a man who has money, and the worst is when he is white. In all, I slept with more than 1,400 girls in six different countries. I have all their pictures in my album” ~ Jean Michel, French sex tourist Like lawyer Maurice Ampaw, I ...

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Playing the ostrich with rape culture in Ghana

38.2% of Ghanaian girls of ages 15-19 have experienced some form of sexual abuse.  This experience of sexual violence applies to 40.4% of Ghanaian women between the ages of 20-24 and 8.3% of Ghanaian women, aged between ages 25 – 29. Does rape culture exist in Ghana? Yes; it’s alive and thriving! Are we willing to admit it? No, we’d ...

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In the Year of Return, what is African Diaspora returning to?

Celebrations have begun in earnest to commemorate 400 years since the first Black slave reached the shores of the new world, United States of America. While the idea is to attract the Africa Diaspora to every nook and cranny of the continent, Ghana as the leader of Pan-Africanism has taken initiative to be the central point for the celebrations. For ...

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Planting for Food & Jobs revolutionizes agriculture in Ghana

Africa’s smallholder farmers are the vital link to the realization of the continent’s agricultural transformation, with agribusinesses sparking off job-creation and economic advancement. Sustaining and scaling progress in the sector requires investments beyond money that include greater political, policy, and financing commitments from both the public and private sector. Thus, Ghana’s flagship program, Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ), seeks ...

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Should corruption be legalised in Ghana?

Ghana is blessed with a lot of resources largely categorised under both human and natural among several other endowments, yet we lack behind so far as development is concerned. Why? What could possibly be the cause? The level of underdevelopment that has hit the country can largely be attributed to the emergence of corruption that has bedevilled this country. Several ...

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Simpa Panyin: The killings shall continue when ‘Powertics’ meets ‘Monetics’

Very soon we will all line up, to be killed. This time around, we will not wait for the contract killers to plan their murders. We will present ourselves to them, lining up in front of their homes, and ask them to kill us, one person after the other, in any manner they so desire, for we want to, at ...

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8 toxic Ghanaian narratives you should unlearn in 2019

One’s environment has an influence on their mindset. The way we think is directly or indirectly due to where we have lived and what we have been exposed to. Little wonder some narratives we grew up exposed to have eventually become a part of us. Though some of these are toxic, we have never noticed because we have been exposed ...

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