Women have always played central role throughout history and have always contributed to the stability, progress and long-term development of the globe. Studies have shown that when the economy and political structure of a society change, women take the lead in assisting the family adjust to new realities and challenges. Globally, women constitute 43 percent of the world’s agricultural workforce. ...
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Apprenticeship in Ghana, teaching an old dog new tricks
The ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle, referring to apprenticeship once said that “crafts are teachable, otherwise good craftsmen would be born, not made”. Indeed, apprenticeship a system where knowledge and skills are imparted to a new generation of practitioners through on the job training is one of the oldest methods of teaching and learning known to man. In ancient ...
Read More »Bervelyn Longdon writes: When law enforcement fails, chaos reigns!
One thing we like in this country is to pass laws. Most of the laws we pass are so good that other countries model some of theirs after ours. We have laws covering almost every aspect of our national life. However, when it comes to implementation or enforcement of these laws, I often question myself, why the need for rules ...
Read More »Reforming a hungry prisoner: Woes of the Prison Administrator
Prison systems the world over in recent times have a responsibility to ensure the reformation and rehabilitation of prisoners under their care as the era of mere warehousing of offenders is long gone. This they do by taking the prisoner through structured regimes to ensure that upon discharge, the prisoner re-enters society truly reformed. Food plays a key role in ...
Read More »Benjamin Aklama asks: ‘Black Tax,’ a cultural value or an economic issue?
As a young boy growing up, many family members contributed to my upkeep. My grandparents with whom I lived were like parents to me, providing for every need I had. My father’s younger sister also came to my aid in Senior High School, buying for me, all that the prospectus required of a fresh student entering the Peki Senior High ...
Read More »‘Ghana religiosa’: Preaching virtue but practicing vice
Mantis religiosa is the scientific name of the “praying mantis”, a member of the class Insecta and order Mantodea or Mantises. This order of insects consists of about 2,200 species in 9 families and is found in both temperate and tropical habitats. Insects in this order (including Mantis religiosa) are commonly referred to as “praying mantises”, because of their typical ...
Read More »‘Spirit of people power,’ descend upon us!
Throughout history, the efforts of citizens to call their leaders to order has yielded results immediately or later. In recent times, people power is acceptable as compared to coup d’état; thus, Egyptians, Tunisians and Burkinabes kicked out their leaders who felt that they could steal the sovereignty of their nations – that is the “Spirit of people power”. What is ...
Read More »Mitwa Kaemba Ng’ambi writes: Let’s build a gender-balanced Africa
The eve of March 8th has me reflecting on the reason for the United Nation’s establishment of an official International Women’s Day, back in 1975. Prior to this, several countries had in some shape or form commemorated a Women’s day, with March 8th, 1975 being the first International Women’s Day as formally established by the UN. The intention was to ...
Read More »Half of the world is still offline. How do we connect them quickly?
I was in a café in London on my phone when I read the news. For the first time, more than half the world’s people were online. Yes, this 50/50 moment was a milestone to celebrate, but surrounded by people sipping coffee and browsing the web, it was hard to comprehend that for billions of people around the world, internet ...
Read More »Sex tourism in Ghana? I beg your pardon
“Africa is a marvellous continent. Girls are beautiful and very sexy. All they want is a man who has money, and the worst is when he is white. In all, I slept with more than 1,400 girls in six different countries. I have all their pictures in my album” ~ Jean Michel, French sex tourist Like lawyer Maurice Ampaw, I ...
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