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Features & Opinions

Akpeteshi devastating communities

My first cousin, James Atarah has died. I am informed he was buried yesterday. James has joined numerous victims of the silent epidemic that is killing young, mainly men, in the northern and upper regions of Ghana – akpeteshie, a toxic locally distilled spirit from sugarcane or palm wine. Akpeteshie is cheaper than beer, it gives instant kick and it ...

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A Good Leader Fights Selfishness

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills

Selfishness is the art of thinking about yourself. Everyone thinking only about himself has led to a very evil and difficult world. Our world is filled with seven billion selfish and greedy people running around trying hard to get something for themselves. No wonder we have the chaos that we have! Selfishness is the root of many evils in our ...

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Liberia – the country where citizenship depends on your skin colour

Tony Hage has lived in Liberia for more than 50 years. It is where he went to university. Where he met his wife. Where he set up his successful business. He has stayed when so many others have fled the country’s years of unrest- determined to see the country he loves and calls home succeed. But Mr Hage, it could ...

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How about Ghana beyond filth?

In the beginning, I too was awed by everything President Akufo-Addo said. Like the people who liked, shared and re-shared the video of his press conference with France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, I found him inspiring. But over a year after his inauguration, I still find him up in the clouds with his lofty rhetoric, and I need my president to ...

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George Weah and high expectations in Liberia

George Manneh Oppong Weah

Apart from not playing in the World Cup finals, the dream of every football player, George Manneh Oppong Weah, has won virtually all there is to win in world football. In a career that spanned almost two decades, across six countries on three continents (Africa, Europe and the Middle-East), Weah demonstrated that personal focus and determination can break barriers of ...

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RTI bill: Open Letter to Mr. Joe Osei Owusu, First Deputy Speaker

I trust this finds you very well.  I have decided to use this medium to communicate with you because I read something attributed to you which I find very disturbing. Before I get to what I read,I don’t think we as a Coalition thanked you enough for the role you played in supporting the advocacy for the passage of the ...

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Is Ghana Police Service Really The Most Corrupt Institution In Ghana?

On several occasions the Ghana Police Service has been adjudged the most corrupt institution in Ghana by some self glorified, dignified and personified anti-corruption institutions or think-tanks for reasons known to only them. Is it really true that Ghana Police Service is the most corrupt institution in Ghana? You may agree based on perception generalisation of their observations but I ...

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Understanding Policing in modern Ghana

Mr David Asante-Apeatu,IGP

Policing is generally about law enforcement, maintenance of law and order checking crime and ensuring that those suspected to have committed crime are made to face the law. The Ghana Police Service which derived its roots from the Gold Coast constabulary had been in existence for about a century now. The Service which was known as the Ghana Police Force, ...

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Analysis of the 2018 budget

Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister for Finance

A budget is a projection of inflows and outflows of an organization base on average behaviours of inflows and outflows for a given period. Budget projections are skillfully done on solid basis but not mere projections of the organizational intends. Past average and future average suspected happenings should be seriously looked at in budget projections. The margin of variance should ...

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Taking journalism from the hands of corporations

P Sainath

As I sat listening to P. Sainath give his presentation, the things he was talking about hit me with a striking familiarity, as if he was talking about my village in northern Ghana. But Sainath is from India. Indeed, heis a widely known Indian writer and journalist, and author of the worldwide acclaimed, book, Everybody Loves a Gooddrought – about ...

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