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Features & Opinions

Britain celebrates 30 Years of Black History Month

Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn

  BLACK HISTORY MONTH was founded by Akyaaba Addai-Sebo, former Operations Manager of London’s Notting Hill Carnival, the world’s second largest open-air street festival after Brazil’s Rio Carnival. The British Prime Minister, Theresa May, in a message released to open the month-long celebrations and reflections wrote: “Today, in every walk of life, from business to politics, sport to culture, there ...

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Safeguarding Press Freedom, Is Self-Regulation the way?

The National Communications Authority is sanctioning about 131 radio stations for violating certain aspects of the Electronics Communications Act (2009), ACT 775. The state regulatory body has given indications that it would go ahead and take any station, which does not comply with its regulations off air. Maybe this provides a fine opportunity for the country to discuss the kind ...

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The never ending pangs of fatherhood

In one passage of Book II of the French book we used in secondary school, Pierre et Seydou, a farmer laments the never ending worries of farming. Before the onset of the rains he wonders if the rains would come on time or late; if they would come with a lot of wind; if there would be a drought after ...

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There is a lot to whine about in Ghana

school children

The rate of physical and economic development of Ghana in recent times compared with the 1970s, when I became very conscious of my environment, has been good. Compared with even the 80s and 90s, the rate of development has been relatively good. The percentage of Ghanaians living below the poverty line has declined, even though the level is still unacceptable. ...

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Let’s unite and show compassion to prevent suicide- MEHSOG admonishes

The Mental Health Leadership and Advocacy Programme (mhLAP) and Mental Health Society of Ghana (MEHSOG), yesterday, September 10th 2017, joined hands with others around the world who are working towards the common goal of preventing suicide, to observe Suicide Prevention Day. The year 2017 marks the 15th world suicide prevention day. The day was first recognized in 2003 as an ...

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Trading our forests for money; a threat to the future

Ask! How could we have been governed if Ghana had no gold, no oil or bauxite? Could we have been governed at all? Could John Mahama and now Nana Akufo-Addo run Ghana only on taxes from tourism and exportation of maybe human resource? Could we have been “fed” at all? Is it possible at all? What is this issuance of ...

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Workers behaving badly

A Public Agenda investigation into the attitudes of Ghanaian workers has revealed an appalling level of absenteeism and indolence among workers in public institutions. The investigation by Public Agenda also revealed that this behavior leads to low productivity and requires the immediate attention of the government.   Some workers come to the office as late as 12noon and leave the ...

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The two Western Regions

President of Ghana

The other day, one of the campaigners for the creation of a Western-North Region (which I would call, the Democratic Region of Tano) sucked me into the debate about the creation of additional regions in Ghana, particularly the Western-North region. He said, “Call your friend ….. to stop displaying his ignorance on factors that have made it necessary for the ...

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Africa’s struggle to stay afloat


The more Africa strives for economic empowerment, economic independence and self-reliance, the more the global powers tighten their grip on the continent.  The ‘global coalitions’ now called Development Partners are mere fronts for western domination, who are not interested in genuine democratization and development. This is the new frontier in the struggle for African freedom.   2011 will go down ...

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Religious leaders must speak to propel national development


I sat in Church in the past two Sundays to a rare homily, a sermon that zoomed in on the wayward citizen. The Priest drilled down the message to the national reality. As a concerned citizen, contemplating on how best anyone can spur national development, I took particular interest in this Homily. The Priest quoted the readings from Kings, the ...

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