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Features & Opinions

Kwame Nkrumah: A fading Memory?

  I was only ten years old when Nkrumah was overthrown. I knew a bit about him as I joined the Ghana Young Pioneers Movement only a few months before his overthrow. I also knew about him because in every community he was the one most spoken of as the opposition was literally disbanded and most of its members were ...

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If I were DJ Switch’s mother… [Article]

Dear Lillian, I write to you as someone who has children’s well-being at heart. Your daughter Erica Tandoh aka DJ Switch is talented. I admire her confidence and smartness. In fact, I would be disappointed if she did not win the ‘Talented Kidz’ contest. However, it is worthy of note that all that you do to win such a contest ...

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A necessity turned luxury: The search for roofs over our heads

Housing, too, is one of our main preoccupations. We are at this moment in the last stages of formulating large-scale housing projects, which we hope to have ready soon. A factory for prefabricated concrete units is now under construction and will come into production sometime this year. When these plans are completed, we shall be able to put up low-cost ...

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