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General News

AfDB unveils roadmap to safeguard food security against impacts of COVID-19

The African Development Bank has unveiled a strategic roadmap of projects and programmes to assist African countries in tackling the nutrition and food security aspects of the COVID-19 crisis through a raft of immediate and longer-term measures. The Feed Africa Response to COVID-19 (FAREC) paves the way for a comprehensive intervention to build resilience, sustainability and regional self-sufficiency in Africa’s ...

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Another rainstorm coming today – GMA

The Ghana Metrological Agency (GMA) has announced another rainstorm is expected to hit parts of the country today, Tuesday, June 9. It comes after Monday night heavy rains that caused flooding in some parts of Accra. In a statement, the GMA said: “A rainstorm observed today Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 0245GMT over Benin is expected to propagate westward into ...

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Audit report uncover cases of payment for no work done

Daniel Domelevo, Auditor General

The Performance Audit Report on Capital Projects funded through District Development Facilities in 30 Districts Assemblies compiled by the Auditor-General has uncovered cases of payment for no work done. Findings of the Audit Report on payment and work done showed that monies were disbursed for non-executed works resulting in overpayments. “For example, the pavement for work at the taxi station ...

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Government breaks telecom monopoly, MTN badly hit

The National Communications Authority (NCA) will in the coming days begin the implementation of specific policies to ensure a level-playing field for all network operators within the telecommunications industry. The government, through the Ministry of Communications, has directed the NCA to enforce the provisions of the Electronic Communications (EC) Act 2008 and the National Telecommunications Policy to address glaring disparities ...

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Husband files GH¢5m suit against Ridge Hospital over death of wife and baby

A distraught husband has filed a five million Cedis suit against the Ridge Hospital in Accra for alleged medical negligence in the death of his wife and baby at the facility. In a 5-page writ filed on June 1, 2020, at the Accra High Court, Mr Mohammed Mustapha, the husband of the deceased, Akua Nyarko Osei-Bonsu, alleges that the medical ...

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Minister proposes submerged drainage system to minimise flooding

Samuel Atta Akyea, Minister for Works and Housing

Samual Atta Akyea, the Minister of Works and Housing, has proposed the adoption of submerged drainage system to help deal with the indiscriminate dumping of refuse into open drains to minimise flooding.He said though the submerged drainage system was capital intensive, it had been adopted by most advanced countries and Ghana needed to do same.Mr Atta Akyea said it was ...

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Full speech of Rawlings at 41st anniversary of June 4 uprising

Former President Jerry John Rawlings

Founder of the NDC and former President JJ Rawlings held a durbar to mark the 41st anniversary of the June 4, 1979 uprising where members of the military, drawn mostly from the junior ranks took over the governance of the country after it retrogressed into a state of social, economic and political decay. This year, however, the event was held ...

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Heavy rains displace people at Tongor-Dzemeni

A downpour at Tongor-Dzemeni in the South Dayi District of the Volta Region has destroyed 30 houses and displaced 70 people. The rainstorm, which lasted more than an hour, also destroyed a church building, and flooded shops and houses, leaving the inhabitants stranded. Mr John Abotsi, the Assemblyman for Tongor-Dzemeni West Electoral Area, told the Ghana News Agency that the ...

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Ghana hailed as a global leader in coronavirus response

Ghana’s COVID-19 response since the WHO declared it a global pandemic in March continues to attract international recognition and applause. The WHO, the TIME magazine, the New York Times and other renowned publication’s have commended Ghana’s COVID-19 response efforts. Latest to do that is international blogger Indi Samarajiva, who has been researching into countries’ response to the pandemic and how ...

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WASSCE candidates to write ‘Country Specific Exams’ due to coronavirus

Candidates for this year’s West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations (WASSEC) will write ‘Country Specific Examinations’ due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The WASSCE is expected to commence from August 3 to September 4, this year following the postponement of the original date in June. This has become necessary because countries in the West African sub-region are battling the respiratory disease and at ...

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