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General News

GNAT appeals to MMDAs to construct teachers’ bungalows

The Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) have been urged to construct teachers’ bungalows in deprived communities to solve the residential accommodation problems facing them in the country. This would motivate teachers to accept postings to work in rural communities to improve on the standard of education in those areas. Mr. Ebenezer Asare-Baah, the Nkoranza District Secretary of the Ghana ...

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World Vision Ghana supports flood victims

World Vision International Ghana (WVIG) has begun distributing relief items to flood victims in the Northern Region. In all, WVIG is targeting to present 1,000 pieces of 30 litre water storage containers, 1,000 pieces of 20 litre buckets for water purification, 1000 sieving mesh, 2,251 laundry and bathing soaps and 331,700 P&G water purifiers. This intervention, which forms part of ...

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Corruption is the greatest evil – Socioserve-Ghana

Corruption is the greatest evil of our time and has become a household name in Ghana, Mrs Josephine Sackey, Chief Executive Officer, Socioserve-Ghana, has stated. She said every Ghanaian whether old or young now agrees that corruption had eaten deep into our society. “Corruption widens inequality, creates distortion and destroys all constructive efforts at good governance in any society and ...

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More individual efforts and collective commitment to end hunger

Bukar Tijani

The FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Africa, Bukar Tijani, says individual efforts and collective commitment at all levels will propel the Africa region in meeting the Zero Hunger targets of the pan-African 2025 Malabo Declaration and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. “As individuals, we have to take concrete actions to end hunger, poverty and malnutrition,” he said, further ...

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E/R: 293 die in road crashes; 1,600 injured in 2018

Latest statistics from the Motor Transport and Traffic Department (MTTD) indicate a total of 293 died through road crashes between January and September 2018 in the Eastern region. This is against 270 recorded same period in 2017. Also, a total of 1,615 were injured during the same period in 2018 as compared to 1,515 recorded in 2017. To this end, ...

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Ghana urged to remove death penalty from its laws

Mr Robert Akoto Amoafo, the Country Director of Amnesty International Ghana has disclosed that as at the end of 2017, there were about 160 prisoners on death row. He said they comprised 154 men and six women who remained locked up under death sentence at Nsawam prison complex. Mr Amoafo who recently mentioned this during this year’s Day Against Death ...

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Balungu-Nabiisi School pupils learn on bare floor

Most pupils at the Balungu-Nabiisi School in the Bongo District sit on bare floor to learn due to lack of furniture. A Ghana News Agency (GNA) visited to the school, observed that some of the classes in both the Primary and Junior High Schools did not have furniture, thereby, compelling the pupils to sit on the floor during lesson hours ...

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AngloGold Ashanti constructs water treatment plant

AngloGold Ashanti{AGA} Obuasi Mines has constructed a US$33.7 million water treatment plant to ensure that water that is disposed from the mines to the community is safe and environmentally friendly. The plant has an outlet that disposes off the treated water into streams and other water bodies used by the people. Due to its high quality, which by international standards ...

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MEHSOG demands alternative ways of mental health financing

National Executive Council of Mental Health Society of Ghana is calling on Corporate Ghana and Religious Bodies to consider supporting mental health by contributing to the Mental Health Fund as part of their corporate social responsibility.   The Council is convinced that when corporate Ghana supports mental health, the intervention would immensely help raise the standard of living of people ...

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Accurate data essential driver for socio-economic growth – Ambassador Quartey

Ambassador Kwesi Quartey

The Deputy Chairman of African Union (AU) Commission, Ambassador Kwesi Quartey has asserted that adequate, accurate and reliable data are essential and strategic drivers of socio- economic growth and globalization in Africa. “In our quest for sustainable growth and effective globalization, adequate, accurate and reliable information and data are essentially new raw materials required for effective growth and economic integration ...

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