Eat your way to better sleep When your sleep is constantly disrupted or you are simply unable to fall asleep with ease, the temptation to turn to sleeping pills is likely to be high. And yet, sleeping pills do not retrain you to sleep properly independent of them and they tend to leave many people feeling unrefreshed in the morning ...
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Role of Oats porridge in maintaining shiny hair
Shinning, soft beautiful hair doesn’t tangle: we all love to have it, but everyone is blessed with a different hair. Luckily, things are quite that simple. The most important fact to remember is that, before beauty, comes health. So a beautiful hair has to be a healthy one. And keeping it healthy depends on more than just washing it. For ...
Read More »Children with cerebral palsy need Government attention
A care-giver of a child with cerebral palsy has called on the government to facilitate centres for children with cerebral palsy. Mr Emmanuel Asante, Care-giver and grandfather of a five year old girl with cerebral palsy is urging government to facilitate the creation of centres for children with cerebral palsy. He further called for services such as physiotherapy services and ...
Read More »US Task Force Changes Guidelines for Prostate Cancer Screening
NEW YORK (360Dx) – The US Preventive Services Task Force today changed its draft guideline for prostate cancer screening recommen-dations for men between the ages of 55 to 69, saying that those patients should consult with their doctors about getting tested. The USPSTF had recommended in 2012 against such screening, saying the benefits of testing did not outweigh the risks. ...
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