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Mr Clement Adjei Sarfo
Mr Clement Adjei Sarfo

Education &Training issues should not be politicize

In tendering their petition against the wholesome implementation of the free Senior High

School program scheduled to take off this month (September 2017) the crusader/convener of a Kumasi-based non-governmental organization, dubbed Youth Empowerment Summit, Mr. Clement Adjei Sarfo has stressed the need for government to avoid the politicization of issues related to education and training of manpower in the country.

In a nine points petition addressed to the Office of the President on Tuesday August 29, 2017 and copied to the Chief of Staff, Minister of Education and the Director of Ghana Education Service after press conference, the spokesman said the Youth Empowerment Summit supports the Free Education concept and commend any government or group that is ready to fully resource to help educate the youth.  “As citizens we owe it as a duty and responsibility to safeguard the collective good of Ghana, since Ghana belongs to all,” adding, “we are all partners and stakeholders in national development.”

Sarfo observed that no individual or political party can do it alone as long as people sit aloof watch them (politicians) and expecting that manna will fall from heaven through the activities of the politicians. In his opinion, no politicians has a magic wand to turn the fortunes of the nation around overnight until without collective responsibility, stressing “evil and prevails in the society when fair minded and honest people go on holidays.

In defining the meaning of Free SHS per policy documents of the Ministry of Education, Sarfo explained that it consists Free Tuition, Admission, Text Books, Library, Science Centre, Computers, Examination, Utilities, Boarding and Meals.

However, it is possible that the free education policy might not be wholly fulfilled hence the appeal by Youth Summit and Empowerment, hence the  Presidential Petition to express their view to the government to look into the issue before it is fully implemented to benefit all Ghanaians of  School going age.

Mr. Adjei Sarfo indicated that if government acknowledges that there is economic hardship, then it must also be ready to feed people with food, clothing, shelter, provide jobs, among others  to make the citizenry to get rid of impoverished.

The spokesman stunned the media when he stated that we need a national vision and not a mere fulfillment of party manifesto promises, adding that politicians play to the gallery instead of been not development – oriented as they always decide on how many votes they would gained to earn them power in the next elections.


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