Home » Breaking News » Haiti will quit United Nations to join African Union – Haitian Leader

Haiti will quit United Nations to join African Union – Haitian Leader

According to a report from a local radio station called Bon Déjeuner! Radio based in Haiti, the young Haitian political leader Werley Nortreus (also known as Prince Werley Nortreus) said the Haitian Revolution must continue so Haiti can become free and independent again.

For the first time, Haiti will exit the United Nations to join the African Union under the upcoming Haitian Government if he ever got elected as President or King in the upcoming months or years.

“The Haitian Revolution must continue so Haiti can become free and independent again”, said Prince Werley Nortreus, the founder of Haitians Lives Matter, during an interview in 2020.

According to History, Haiti was once discovered in 1942 by Christopher Columbus when he arrived upon a large unknown island in the region of the Western Atlantic Ocean. That island is now known as the Caribbean.

Haiti was discovered by Christopher Columbus who passed away in 1506. He claimed the island for the Spanish Crown, then called it La Isla Española (The Spanish Island), until the French influence started in 1625. The French used the opportunity and invaded the island then controlled Saint-Domingue in 1660 before the island was separated.

From 1697 on, the Western part of the island was French and the Eastern part was Spanish but the Haitian Revolution leaders fought the foreigns who invaded and that’s how the island has two parts called Haiti and Saint-Domingue today. The United States started occupying Haiti in 1915 when President Joseph Davilmar Théodore was forced to quit the office in fear of being killed by the U.S. soldiers.

About why Haiti can’t prosper these days, Mr. Werley Nortreus, who is a Haitian musician, author, entrepreneur, and politician said a powerful speech that had the attention of thousands of people across the world.

He said: “Haitians are being punished for being the first black nation that helped and Taught many countries how to get their freedom. Through the years, Haiti is being punished for the liberation of many slaves around the world. Unfortunately, that’s why they don’t want Haiti to prosper.”, said Prince Werley Nortreus, the Haitian political leader and the founder of Vanyan Sòlda Ayiti and A New Haiti Before 2045 (ANHB 2045), during an interview in 2019 about why Haiti can’t prosper.

That speech about why Haiti can’t prosper was referred to the foreign countries like the United States and others that don’t want to see changes in Haiti.

Back then, Haiti was pretty rich and wealthy in golds, diamonds, oil, natural gas, and other resources until the foreigns came and stole all of its valuable resources then left the land in major misery and poverty. During the French influence in 1625, Haiti became one of the wealthiest of France’s colonies, producing vast quantities of sugar and coffee and depended on a brutal slave system for the necessary labor. In the results of being exploited by the foreigns, Haitian slaves rose up in revolt in 1791 and after decades of struggle, the independent republic of Haiti was officially proclaimed in 1804. Years later after Haiti won its independence in 1804, countries like the United States and others forced Haiti to join the United Nations in 1945. Unfortunately, after years of being exploited by foreign countries like the United States and others, Haiti became one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere, even when Haiti joined the United Nations in 1945.

Since when the Haitian Revolution leaders like Toussaint Louverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, and the others were killed by the foreigns for defending Haiti and other nations against slavery, countries like the United States and others offered Haiti a contract in 1915 so they can run and occupy Haiti and its citizens.

The contract was signed and that’s how the United States and foreign countries got the power to put whoever they want in power to lead. Unfortunately, the Presidents and Prime Ministers who are or used to be in power these days are and were all added by the United States and other foreign countries.

From 2017 until today, after years of occupation, millions of people across Haiti got to the streets across Haiti to protest against the current Haitian Government and PHTK (Haitian Tèt Kale Party) that wasted billions of dollars of PetroCaribe funds and also wasted the 2010 Haiti earthquake funds. The 2018 and 2019 protests leaders wanted the resignation of the current Haitian Government and foreign countries like the United States and the ONGs so the Haitian population can set up its own Haitian Government or kingdom in 2020.

The 2018 and 2019 protests leaders wanted to break and burn the occupation contract that Haiti signed with the United States and others in 1915. The protests leaders also wanted Haiti to leave the United Nations to join Venezuela, Russia, African Countries, and other countries that are not the enemies of Haiti. Unfortunately, according to investigations done by Prince Werley Nortreus, the U.S. organizations (also known as the ONGs) across Haiti are also behind the downfall of Haiti because they also wasted billions of dollars that were supposed to develop Haiti, and they will leave along with the United Nations when Haiti elects an honest Government and Kingdom soon.

“If you think that I am wrong about my speech, ask yourself why Haiti voted against Venezuela in 2019 to join the United States. I think Haiti voted against Venezuela even when Venezuela gave the Haitian Government money to develop Haiti because the United States and foreign countries are the bosses of Haiti. They owned Haiti, but this mess got to stop soon,” said Prince Werley Nortreus about this current situation.

“Unfortunately, Haiti will never prosper under the occupation of foreign countries like the U.S. and others because the foreigns are responsible for the misery and poverty that is happening in Haiti in 2020,” said Prince Werley Nortreus on a local radio station called Bon Déjeuner! Radio.

“If I ever got elected even when I am so young, I will cut off the United Nations and every relationship with those foreign countries that are keeping Haiti in such chaos and poverty to join African countries. Money is not worth more than human lives. Haiti is first to me”, said Prince Werley Nortreus on Bon Déjeuner! Radio.

Source: Bob Duval, Contributor


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