When the girls were interviewed, they were unable to tell the purpose of the travel or their final destination. One of them finally disclosed that she was travelling outside the country to work in a shop. The girls are the Bono, Ashanti, North and the Volta regions.

Commander of the Ghana Immigration Service at KIA, (ACI) Edith Penelope Arhin, cautioned Parents to take a keen interest in the welfare of their children especially the girl child because, travelling outside the country does not guarantee their future.

“Parents should beware of people who pose as travel agents with juicy proposals of taking their children abroad to better their lives. There is no better job or pastures anywhere.

“With determination and hard work they can make it here in the country. The irony of the Gulf issue js that most girls return home mentally derailed, sick or dead on arrival as harvesting of human parts is on the increase out there,” Madam Arhin added.