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The wind of youth-led revolution

I am starting to sense that “which way the wind is blowing” with my girlfriend, and I think she may break up with me soon. No this cannot be!  We have been in love for so many years. Wait a minute, this is similar to the case of the Ghanaian Youth and its political system. I am tempted to say “which way the wind is blowing” the Ghanaian Youth will sooner or later break away from its current political system.

A system which frustrates their future and leaves them completely helpless. A system which will ask ” whom you know, but will never ask what you know.”

A system which endorses corruption over integrity. I see an unquenchable desire in the Ghanaian Youth to break away from this heinous system. I see their eyes dazzling with fire, their words sharper than a sword and the speed of light is too slow for their liking. They are filled with energy, enormous ideas and are mostly between the ages of 18-55. Yes, I see them!  They are tired of the Status quo and will do everything within their power to challenge it. I am afraid no gun or ammunition can stop them, only God can.

They are not afraid of the Political Lions as they possess double the strength of Ancient Sampson. Oh no my hands are shivering and my body is getting cold, am I the wind or I am being blown by it? The assertions of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah echoes ” Ghanaians are not timid people as has been suggested in the foreign press. Far from it. They may be slow to anger and may take time to organize and act. But once they are ready they strike and strike hard. It pays no one to tamper with Ghanaian freedom and dignity.” Change is inevitable, if we refuse to change as people, the change will definitely catch up with us unaware.

The recent occurrence at Ghana’s parliament with regards to the $200 million new Chamber project among other events and also my personal interaction with quite a number of Youth in this country consolidate the fact that Ghanaians especially its Youth are displeased and tired of our current political system.

If this system was birthed and bed-rocked on the constitution then urgent attention ought to be given to it, otherwise the populace especially the youth may treat it with all the contempt it deserves going forward.

God bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong.


Source: Richmond Anane-simon

Youth Activist, Thinker and Founder of Rassam Initiative


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