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US intervention in African elections

In recent times, a lot has been said bout Russian intervention in the US elections that brought president Donald Trump to power as the US President. It is quite ironic that it is American officialdom complaining about Russian intervention in the elections, yet, it is the US that not only meddles in their nations’ election process, but has been rampaging round the world in favour of ‘regime change’.

From Latin America to Africa, the US and its leading agency, the Central intelligence Agency has been responsible for regime changes through coups, assassinations and the like, so how do they have the nerve to complain about ‘Russian interference ‘Implementing the ‘regime change’ agenda.


On February 24, 1966, the CIA in cahoots with Ghanaian traitors launched an audacious plan to unseat and overthrow the legitimately elected government of the Convention Peoples Party (CPP). So, when I hear of the US complaining of Russian intervention in their elections, I say let them feel it too. But American intervention in African affairs continue unabated.


In the Kenyan elections of 2007 and 2013, Western countries led by the USA had invested financial and moral resources towards a particular result during the elections. Before the elections, western leaders tried to blackmail the people of Kenya to vote in a particular way: Choices have consequences”, they threatened without a hint of shame.  When the people of Kenya voted in the March 2013 elections and refused to be ‘blackmailed’ (the words of His Excellency, Yoweri Museveni) and elected HE Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, Hon. William Ruto, it sent a chilling message to these Western Embassies and their Kenyan proxies. It showed the Achilles heel of US and western intervention, a complete failure.


But that had not prevented US and western powers from u leasing their surrogates in the form of the national Democratic institute and International Republican institute (both America).


When they fail to make impact during elections, and get their friends elected, they always need someone or some institutions to blame for their abject lack of understanding of the African electorate, their weak understanding of new structural changes and formations in Africa, and how the continent is changing. The Uhuru victory in Kenya also exposed the poor diplomatic skills based on cash handouts to their ‘friends’ in civil society.


The masses in Africa no longer do the bidding of western colonial masters and their African proxies.  The West had to set an example, and I became one of the guys.

It is almost impossible to resist the feeling that some African elites have once again fallen for a false sense of fulfilment from people who preach democracy and practice dictatorships in the most sinister, unapologetic, unspeakable atrocities against other people if only to lay their hands on their resources (Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, the DCR, are examples).  The principle of ‘we know what is good for the natives’ is very much alive. The new lie is that ‘we are all against impunity’.


However, the living reality is that African resources are for grabs, and western nations now facing eye ball to eye ball with China, have become desperate. Some sections of the new emerging African middle classes will make deals with imperialist interest to deny the people their birthright, and this should be said time and again. However, Africa has become wiser and more resilient in this new game.


The new relationship between Africa and the rest of the world is contextualized by Motsoko Pheko in in a recent Pambazuka article. H says: “The Africa Union {AU} has given some hope that it can defend and protect African interests without fear from the intimidation of imperialist countries…. For far too long the AU has bowed to the neocolonial machinations and arrogance of the European Union regarding the interest of African people. History shows that when Africans fight for their rights as a Pan African family, they always win” {Pambazuka, 2014-02-20, Issues 66}.


For this reason, he said the AU must be congratulated for standing up to the bullying antics of the EU. I share is view that the “Africa Union must be congratulated” for its stance. As individuals however, Africans will need continue to show courage and resilience in the face of the new neo-colonialist onslaught against the continent.


The urge need to contribute to creating a better Africa for tomorrow’s generation, for protecting the dignity of the African person and nation, and for saying no to interest that are anti-African, and to new forms of colonization, is also alive and thriving in African capitals like Nairobi.


As the Pambazuka article concludes, there are people with an “irrepressible impulse to create a better world, a more just, equal, and compassionate society … (people who are) outraged and disgusted by injustice, abuse of power and arbitrariness because it offends their basic sense of morality.” It is time for western intervention in African political processes, in particularly, elections to end.










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